Why Aluminium Wheels Are By Far Better Than Steel Wheels

Aluminium wheels are not a new innovation in the automobile industry. In fact, they have been around for several years now. However, they have become increasingly popular in recent years, even though they generally cost more to buy than the traditional steel wheels. So why are many vehicle owners opting for aluminium wheels despite the higher price tag? If your vehicle is still running on traditional steel wheels, continue reading on to find out why you should replace them with aluminium ones.

Weight savings

It is a no brainer that the lighter the vehicle, the more load it can carry. That is perhaps the biggest reason why many people prefer aluminium wheels to steel types. Generally speaking, aluminium weighs much less than steel, meaning that vehicle owners can significantly increase the load capacity of their vehicles by substituting their traditional steel wheels for aluminium types. With larger cargo sizes being carried per trip as a result of the weight savings, the total number of trips is reduced, and this will, in turn, save on fuel costs.


Another reason why people are opting for aluminium wheels is that like steel wheels, they are infinitely recyclable. This means they will never end up in landfill when they reach the end of their service life. This attribute is good for the environment in a variety of ways. First, only a small fraction of the total energy required to mine new aluminium is used to melt old aluminium wheels during the recycling process. Second, the recycling process uses old aluminium wheels to make the same products (new wheels) or completely different aluminium products, such as gearboxes and cylinder heads, thus giving otherwise useless wheels a new lease of life. This helps create additional value in a way that has the least deleterious effect on Mother Nature.

Visual impact

Talking of appearances, there is no disputing that aluminium maintains its good looks much longer than steel. Aluminium wheels do not call for the constant touch-ups for which steel wheels are so notoriously known for. When exposed to air, aluminium readily reacts with oxygen to form aluminium oxide, which provides a physical barrier against corrosion and rust. This reduces the need to repaint or refinish the underlying metal every now and then so as to protect it from the elements. This saves labour time and costs but also ensures your wheels look good for longer.

Talk to a reputable auto parts dealer and aluminium supplier when you are ready to purchase aluminium wheels.
