A Comprehensive Guide to Height Safety Products

Working at heights can be dangerous, and safety products are essential for minimising the risk of injury. Fortunately, there are a variety of height safety products on the market that contractors can use to protect themselves when working in elevated areas.

This article discusses four types of height safety products that every contractor should be familiar with.

Fall Arrest Harnesses

A fall arrest harness is used to stop a worker from falling if they slip or trip while working in an elevated area. They are designed to spread the force of impact evenly across the body, reducing the risk of serious injury. It's important to note that a fall arrest harness will not prevent falls from occurring. It will only help reduce the severity of the injury if a fall does occur.

Anchors and Anchor Points

Anchors and anchor points provide secure points for workers to attach their fall arrest systems. The anchors must be installed properly and regularly tested to ensure they are still secure and safe for use. Anchor points can be either permanent or temporary, depending on your needs.

Safety Nets

Safety nets provide an additional layer of protection by catching falling objects before they reach the ground below. Therefore, they should be placed directly beneath work areas where tools may drop or where workers could potentially fall from heights. Safety nets should also be inspected regularly for signs of wear or damage, as even small holes can cause them to fail in extreme cases.


Last but not least, guardrails offer another layer of protection by creating a physical barrier between workers and potential hazards such as open edges or drop-offs at high levels. Guardrails come in many shapes and sizes and can be customised depending on your specific needs. However, regardless of what type you choose, it's important that they meet all relevant safety standards before being installed on-site.


Contractors who work at heights need proper safety equipment to protect themselves from hazards such as falls or dropped objects hitting people below them on the ground level below them. By familiarising yourself with these products and investing in suitable models for your particular applications, you will significantly reduce any risks associated with working at heights. So take some time today and start researching different types of height safety products so you can stay safe while working. For more info, contact a local company that provides height safety equipment.
